The thought about the special month of Ramadan excites the entire Muslim world. It is a feeling believers feel from deep within which cannot be expressed in words.
The warmth and peace lingers in the air, indeed a Blessed Month.
But do our children also anticipate for the arrival of Ramadan?
As parents and teachers, it is our duty to enlighten and spread the joy of Ramadan into their little hearts.
Let’s try some ideas to inculcate the love of Ramadan in our children.
🗨️Talk about the month, not just when it is almost Ramadan.
Make them understand it is a “BIG DEAL”. This will make them wait for the month eagerly.
⭕Make halaqas for children of same age to allow them to share their views and thoughts about Ramadan. If not possible personally, an online meet involving lots of activities, fun crafts and online games will always keep them on their toes. Make sure you tell them the real purpose of fasting.
“O You who believe! Fasting is prescribed upon you as it was prescribed on those before you so that you may attain Taqwa” Quran – [2:183]
Let the core be solid before anything else.
Taqwa, a concept that they should be introduced to from a young age.
✨A well lit home with a room dedicated for prayers and worship alone is a great idea to bring in the mood.
🎀It’s the perfect time to get them new musallas , prayer dress for girls and a rainbow Quran if you had it in mind for a while.
🎁Since we Muslims share gifts during Ramadan and Eid, involve the kids at home to buy and pack them so they know it is a time of love and peace.
📖Reading Ramadan related books with little ones which speaks or tells story from a child’s perspective is a wonderful way to explore different aspects of Ramadan.
📃Another way to keep them on track is to record their acts of worship and good deeds on a daily tracker, planner etc. many of which are available for free online.
💰Educate them about the importance of sadaqa and make an activity with DIY sadaqa box. Definitely they will want to keep aside some money to gain extra rewards.
🥗Encourage them to fast according to their age and health. For small kids half day fasting will be enough to get started. Give them gifts they love when they complete their first fast.
🍽️Involve children to set the table for ifthar and prepare their favorite dish as a reward for fasting.
📦Surprise gifts bring so much joy to big and small alike.
Make Surprise Eid gifts for children and make Eid extra special for them.
🌟Try to associate Ramadan with so much joy, peace, happiness, and goodness in the child’s mind for indeed it is a month full of blessings.
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