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Change for the better

We all are given guidance everyday in different forms whether it be a status on facebook, a video on watsapp, a message on twitter or simply a picture on tumblr. Even if we do not have many friends who are not spiritually rich still we come across these messages may be through a friend’s friend or shared on a family group on watsapp. I guess most of you all are nodding head already.

When we come across such good messages suddenly we hear a whisper ‘’Hey scroll down, it’s not for you’’ or may be in a more kind way ‘’No time right now, we will get back later to read these’’
Yes or No??

Our enemy knows how to tackle with each person and how to present things to distract and keep us away from getting close to Allah.
Sometimes we tackle and find time to go seek knowledge but still hesitate to bring the slightest of change in our lives. We might have already gone through many parts of Quran, listened to lectures etc. but as if something missing somewhere, it is not benefiting us.

Why is it that we still do not have peace at home, why are we not be able to be content with what we have, why do we still find it difficult to be patient…and the list goes on (reminding me first)
We should first understand that we are learning to implement it in our life, only then we benefit from it. 
Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.
[Quran 13:11]
The more we learn the better we should become In sha Allah. Even if we change after few days we feel we are losing the enthusiasm and we slow down, that is why we are told by Prophet (peace be upon him) to keep seeking knowledge and reminding ourselves and others so that the imaan level doesn’t go down. 
Allah is giving us an opportunity to change and calling us towards him every day in different forms..Look around and find out for yourselves..

May Allah help us take benefit from the age we are living in, use technology wisely and hence make our way to Janaah easier…


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