Who is she behind her veil? An oppressed, sad lady following the cultural laws to survive? We see the whole world trying to help Muslim woman get out of the prison of hijab, right? If a woman wears her veil for the right reasons, it is completely a different story. She feels liberated, confident, comfortable, strong and happy. The happiness and comfort level increases as her love for her Lord increases, and how does that happen? Through knowledge. The only way we can improve ourselves is through knowledge, and gaining knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim. We have been hearing this word “Hijab” and the controversies revolving around it a lot recently. As Muslim women, we should know what exactly “The Hijab” is. Even if you are not a person who observes it, it is essential to know what it actually is. Many people give their definitions of hijab, of which some are funny, some baseless, and some pathetic. What does Islam teach us about hijab? Why do women wear a hijab? Is it a...